How To Spot A Bridezilla

Planning a wedding is undoubtedly a stressful affair simply because every bride wants that one day to be perfect. If you’ve decided to make do without a wedding planner and to work out every small detail on your own, then the pressure to pull off a hitch-free wedding only mounts up. If you find yourself getting irritated for no clear reason at all and your family members are actually thinking twice about talking to you, then there’s a good chance you’re slowly becoming a bridezilla without actually realising it.

It’s believed that the term ‘bridezilla’ was first used in the mid-90s to describe a bride who threw temper tantrums at the drop of a hat or who stopped at nothing in order to have the ‘perfect’ wedding. Here are the top symptoms that every bridezilla shows and if you feel the descriptions match your present mood, then now is the time to slow down and de-stress…

You feel irritated with anybody else who is associated with the wedding. There are times when all that anger just bursts out unexpectedly and there are other times when you find yourself sobbing for no reason. Unpredictable mood swings are usually the first symptom that a bridezilla displays.

It isn’t just any wedding, it’s YOUR wedding and that’s why everything has to be top-notch. You want your wedding to be the talk of the town for the next 6 months and you’re willing to do anything to wipe out the competition. Bridezillas have been known to ruin the weddings of close associates such as a friend or a relative, if they feel that the spotlight isn’t on them anymore.

You know you’ve gone over budget, but it doesn’t bother you. A wedding budget is a must and bridezillas don’t really care about extra zeroes as long as somebody else is footing the bill. All they know is that they absolutely must have the Vera Wang designer wedding gown and be photographed in it, before somebody else is!

Your bridesmaids aren’t on the best terms with you either. Bridezillas expect that any little expense of theirs will be taken care of by the bridesmaids irrespective of budget. Things can get tense especially if the bridesmaids have put together a bridal shower or a hen party that doesn’t match the bride’s expectations.

Your groom keeps saying you have changed. Bridezillas can’t help but take out their frustration on near and dear ones and even the grooms aren’t spared. Here’s the thing – your groom would be more than happy to help you take some stress off your shoulders, but unless you are willing to involve him in the planning, there’s very little he can do. It really isn’t fair to put him in this kind of a tight spot.

Planning your wedding may be stressful but it’s also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create something beautiful. One of the best ways to enjoy getting everything organised for the big day is to simply ask for help as and when you need it. Besides, a wedding should never be about flying in the freshest blooms from New York or serving authentic Japanese green tea ice-cream to the guests; it should be remembered as the day you and your perfect partner became one.

Main photo by Elizabeth Messina

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Sanjana George
A bookworm with a hopeless addiction to online shopping, her dream date is William Shakespeare. In between reading & freelance writing, she also has her little business venture on the side. Drop by at to read more of her wedding articles.
Sanjana George

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